动软生成Java Mybatis Mapper.xml模版和Mapper.java模版代码
动软生成Java Mybatis Mapper.xml模版代码
<#@ template language="c#" HostSpecific="True" #>
<#@ output extension= ".cs" #>
TableHost host = (TableHost)(Host);
string modelName="YyLampblack";
string ResultType="com.hbsystem.dao.domain."+modelName;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="<#= host.NameSpace #>">
<!-- 查询所有信息 -->
<select id="getListPage" resultType="<#= ResultType #>" >
select * from <#= host.TableName #> where 1=1
<if test="key != null and key != ''">
and (key like CONCAT('%',#{key},'%') )
order by <# for(int i=0;i< host.Keys.Count;i++){ ColumnInfo key = host.Keys[i]; #><# if (key.IsPrimaryKey || !key.IsIdentity){#><#= key.ColumnName#> desc <# if (i< host.Keys.Count-1 ) {#>, <#}#><#}#><# }#> limit #{startIndex},#{pageSize}
<select id="getListPageCount" resultType="int" >
select count(0) from <#= host.TableName #> where 1=1
<if test="key != null and key != ''">
and (key like CONCAT('%',#{key},'%') )
<insert id="add" parameterType="<#= ResultType #>" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="<# if(host.Keys.Count>0){ColumnInfo key = host.Keys[0]; #><# if (key.IsPrimaryKey || !key.IsIdentity){#><#=key.ColumnName#><#}#><# }#>">
<selectKey keyProperty="<# if(host.Keys.Count>0){ColumnInfo key = host.Keys[0]; #><# if (key.IsPrimaryKey || !key.IsIdentity){#><#=key.ColumnName#><#}#><# }#>" order="AFTER" resultType="int">
INSERT INTO <#= host.TableName #> (<# for(int i=1;i< host.Fieldlist.Count;i++) { ColumnInfo c = host.Fieldlist[i]; if (!c.IsIdentity) {#><#= c.ColumnName#><# if (i< host.Fieldlist.Count-1 ) {#>,<#}#><#}}#>) VALUES (<# for(int i=1;i< host.Fieldlist.Count;i++) { ColumnInfo c = host.Fieldlist[i]; if (!c.IsIdentity) {#> #{<#= c.ColumnName#>} <# if (i< host.Fieldlist.Count-1 ) {#>,<#}#><#}}#>);
<update id="update" parameterType="<#= ResultType #>" >
update <#= host.TableName #> set <# for(int i=1;i< host.Fieldlist.Count;i++) { ColumnInfo c = host.Fieldlist[i]; if (!c.IsIdentity) {#><#= c.ColumnName#>=#{<#= c.ColumnName#>}<# if (i< host.Fieldlist.Count-1 ) {#>,<#}#><#}}#> where <# if(host.Keys.Count>0){ColumnInfo key = host.Keys[0]; #><# if (key.IsPrimaryKey || !key.IsIdentity){#><#=key.ColumnName#>=#{<#=key.ColumnName#>}<#}#><# }#>
<delete id="del">
delete from <#= host.TableName #> where <# if(host.Keys.Count>0){ColumnInfo key = host.Keys[0]; #><# if (key.IsPrimaryKey || !key.IsIdentity){#><#=key.ColumnName#>=#{<#=key.ColumnName#>}<#}#><# }#>
<select id="getModel" resultType="<#= ResultType #>" >
select * from <#= host.TableName #> where <# if(host.Keys.Count>0){ColumnInfo key = host.Keys[0]; #><# if (key.IsPrimaryKey || !key.IsIdentity){#><#=key.ColumnName#>=#{<#=key.ColumnName#>}<#}#><# }#> order by <# for(int i=0;i< host.Keys.Count;i++){ ColumnInfo key = host.Keys[i]; #><# if (key.IsPrimaryKey || !key.IsIdentity){#><#= key.ColumnName#> desc <# if (i< host.Keys.Count-1 ) {#>, <#}#><#}#><# }#> limit 0,1
动软生成Java Mybatis Mapper.java模版代码
<#@ template language="c#" HostSpecific="True" #>
<#@ output extension= ".cs" #>
TableHost host = (TableHost)(Host);
host.NameSpace = "com.hbsystem.dao.mapper";
string modelSpace="com.hbsystem.dao.domain";
string modelName="YyLampblack";
package <#= host.NameSpace #>;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import <#= modelSpace #>.<#= modelName #>;
public interface <#= modelName #>Mapper {
public List<<#= modelName #>> getListPage(@Param("key")String key, @Param("startIndex")int startIndex, @Param("pageSize")int pageSize);
public int getListPageCount(@Param("key")String key);
public int add(<#= modelName #> model);
public int update(<#= modelName #> model);
public int del(<#= CodeCommon.GetInParameter(host.Keys, false) #>);
public <#= modelName #> getModel(<#= CodeCommon.GetInParameter(host.Keys, false) #>);